Friday, September 25, 2009
Two new surfers join Liberian Surfer blog
Over the next week or so, they will be introducing themselves and sharing their stories, writing about the surf and the community work they do through the organization. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Peter: Surfing on the weekend, the first week in school, and playing basketball for the school team.
This week was great, I started school on the (sept 1, 9, 09) and I met some new friends.
The first day I went to school I had my SURF LIBERIA shirt on, so I had lot of people asking me about surfing in Liberia, how it feel like surfing and when do I go surf. I told them lot of things about surfing and they said they want to try it out, but it is in raining season now so I told them to wait for the dry season but they said they still will like to see me do it.
Now I trying to schedule a day for surf in monrovia bescaus I do not have a vehicle to take them t Robertsport. It still lot of fun in school, you know joking with friend and trying to achive your goals. The teacher have allready started giving us some assignments and it is lot of writting but my friends and I can do studies together so it was fun doing it together. We had about three Assgnment doing this week and we just submated it on the 10th of September and it was fun.
I went for basketball pritice with the school team and they siad that I was good so they have me join the school teams. I am so happy to be playing for the school and I like it, I still waitting for class league to show them my game.
Surfing on weekend was great, the wind was not too high as last weekend so we had some nice waves.
It was kind of sad because Nate wasn't there surfing with us, he travel but Elie still caught some nice wave and I was still there chearing for her.
Elie had one of her friends taking photo so that make me little crazy try to show off. I think she had some nice photo of Elie, Alfred, Marshall and I.
I still pray for protection and good waves this month. The beach was different lot of the rock at Shipwrecks have gone under the sand and the wave started making barrels.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Peter: The choppy wave and running after school activities
The wind still making the waves ugly, I tell you last weekend was great but I don't know why this weekend was like that.
I still praying for this month to be good and it should bring nice waves because I can't still stand the pain by driving for two hour to this point and nothing good to surf.
I still love the sport, I can't live with out it.
The week was crazy, I was runing after my school bisness.
I had to go to the bank to do my regestratson, The line was very long so I had to wait for 3 hours after that I had to go to the school for my deposit slip.
I just want to think God that everything went on well and also think him for good health.
I can't still believe that I will be wearring color cloths for this week because my uniform is not still out yet. I am still happy that I meeting some nice friend and I going to be on the basketball team, think God.