Monday, November 9, 2009

Peter: Surfing on the weekend and talking about the surf competition.

In my whole life, I never compete with no body in surfing, I don't even know how it's feel like.

Elie, Math, Mashuel and I went up to Robersport last weekend for a surf.

On our way going, Elie started this conversition about surfing competition and she said it will be done in Robertsport on (November 29, 2009.)

 Elie said that, all surfers in Liberia  are invited and even if you are not a surfer, you can come and see how surfing is expanding and how good is the surfers in liberia.

I pray for good waves becouse it will be lot of fun.

I believe this is the first surfing competition in Liberia and I also pray for support from in and out of Liberia for this sport that had never been in Liberia for years, with all those awesome waves.

ROBERTSPORT COMUNITY WORKS is making a great positive change in Liberia for tourism and also surfing.

Those pass two weekends  was unbeliveble, the waves was great.

The first weekend waves was double over head and glassy, I surf for six hours and doing the evening time we was surfing with lot of dolphin in the water, that real make me feel awe.